Title I Frequently Asked Questions
What services are available at our school?
Title I services at Littleville Elementary School include:
- Reading assistance from a highly qualified reading specialist;
- Family nights offering activities that combine fun and learning and promote family involvement in education;
- Professional Development for staff;
- Monthly "Home and School Connection" publication
What are Family Nights?
Title I family nights are programs for the whole family. Events include BINGO for Books, Presentations, Book "Tastings," and other activities that combine fun and learning. All families are welcome and encouraged to attend these fun and informative evenings!
What is a Home-School Compact?
A Home-School Compact is a voluntary agreement between home and school which puts in writing the goals, expectations and shared responsibilities of teachers, parents and students as equal partners in student learning. The compact helps to define the responsibilities and tasks that will help each child reach their potential. Our School and Parent Compact offers parents an excellent opportunity to discuss the importance of education and working hard with their children.
How can I be more involved in Title I?
Title I supports and encourages the active participation of parents and guardians in the planning, implementation and assessment of the program. Input from our families is essential to the development and review of our program.
Did you know that the Title I program has a family engagement policy which describes our commitment to and procedures for actively promoting family engagement? You can view our family engagement policy here: Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Families of students in our Title I school have the right to request certain information related to the professional qualifications of their student's classroom teacher. You can read our Report Card Cover Letter that includes Right to Know information here. The comprehensive "report card" issued by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) can be found online here or by going to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website and searching for the district or school report card.
Parent Resources:
Title I Annual Parent Meeting Slideshow
Coolmath4kids A fun and engaging site that includes math games, brain teasers and math manipulatives.
PBS Learning Media will engage your student with games in both literacy and math.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Where you can learn the most updated information on education in our state.
View Accountability Data and Student Achievement Level Data for Littleville Elementary School.
Visit the Department of Education Federal Grants page for more information regarding all federal grant funding.